spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Length Inside Hook
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Total Coils
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter you Small Outer Diameter, Large Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

Where to Buy Springs Online

Shopping online can be very overwhelming, so if you’re trying to decide where to buy springs we actually have a few options for you.

At Acxess Spring we manufacture several types of springs and keep a stock inventory for retail sales which are a faster and much economical way to purchase small quantities of springs. Any spring company can say the same, though. What makes Acxess Spring the best spring company is our technology advancements and how we make it simple for all users to approach an intimidating topic as is spring design. In this page you get to decide which is the best option for you. Stock or custom springs; wholesale or retail springs.

Where to Buy Stock Springs

Stock springs can be found at The Spring Store by Acxess Spring although we do have a website specialized on compression spring designs where you’re able to search through both our stock compression springs catalogue and our stock conical tapered springs catalogue. That website would be CompressionSpring.com by Acxess Spring. You will find the same compression and conical spring designs on both The Spring Store and CompressioSpring.com although The Spring Store does have more stock because we include our stock extension spring catalogue as well as our torsion spring catalogue. Whichever one you chose though, you will be using the Spring Finder tool which is located at the top of every page on both websites.

buy stock springs at the spring store

Stock Compression, Extension, Torsion, and Conical Springs

Spring Finder is an easy to use stock spring search engine tool. Our basic search, which is what you see by default, only has 3 fields to enter; Outer Diameter, Length, and Rate. In the case of torsional springs, length is replaced with total coils and you have two more fields which are Inner Diameter and Wind Direction. At the top of every Spring Finder, except conical, you also have the choice to choose which units of measurement you want to use for your search; English or Metric. If you’ve already entered your dimensions in English but decide you want to search using metric units instead, you may click on the option and the inputs you entered will automatically be converted.

Stock Compression Spring Finder Tool

where to find stock springs

Click the image to visit the Compression Spring Finder at CompressionSpring.com

The advanced search of our Spring Finder may be accessed by clicking the option “Search More Fields”. Once you do, additional input categories will be shown like Wire Diameter, Deflection, or Load.

Stock springs are the best option to replace or test. If you’re working on a project that requires springs, you can order several spring designs for the minimum order limit of $40 and test them all versus paying over $300 per spring design if they were made custom. Even if you only ordered 1 custom spring design, it would be more expensive than ordering several stock spring designs.

Where to Buy Custom Springs

The Acxess Spring web is our custom springs website division. You will find hundreds of technical articles on spring design, the types of springs we manufacture, how they’re manufactured, etc. On this website you will find Spring Creator, our free online spring calculator which calculates compression spring designs, extension spring designs, and torsion spring designs. You can also find all of this and more on CompressionSpring.com where we specialize on open-wound springs.

Instant Spring Quote

Instant Spring Quote

Spring Creator will generate a full spring analysis telling you from spring rate to the length of wire required to make that specific spring design. It will do all of that and give you a Instant Spring Quote along with a few stock spring suggestions in case you want to do some testing first. The quoted quantities shown go from 25 pieces to 25,000 and you can see how much the piece price decreases as you raise the quantity so that the lot quantity price increase is not as noticeable than the lesser quantities.

If you require a more extravagant design or a spring made of a material type that isn’t within programmed on our Instant Spring Quote, you may email us your design’s blueprint and request a quote. This also applies if you’re looking to order more than 25,000 pieces which is the maximum quantity on our Instant Spring Quote but it isn’t the maximum we can do.

Instant Spring Quote

buy custom springs from instant quote

If you place a stock spring sample order barely meeting our minimum order limit and order a larger production quantity afterwards, we may provide you with a credit thus giving you the first order as free samples. You must mention this at the moment you place the larger order. though, so that the credit of our $69 minimum order limit is applied to the invoice.