Attention! Input results shown will be +/- 10% from middle value. Hint: The closer your min and max inputs are, the more accurate your results will be!

Attention! Input results shown will be +/- 10% from middle value. Hint: The closer your min and max inputs are, the more accurate your results will be!

Attention! Input results shown will be +/- 10% from middle value. Hint: The closer your min and max inputs are, the more accurate your results will be!

Attention! Input results shown will be +/- 10% from middle value. Hint: The closer your min and max inputs are, the more accurate your results will be!

Using Calipers to Measure Coil Springs

image of caliper

In the developing stages of an engineering or manufacturing project, knowing how to properly measure your spring can save you tons of money and, most importantly, time. We’ve already told you what you need to measure in “How to Measure a Compression Spring”. Now, we’re gonna show you how to do it with the right tool: a caliper. Click here to find out what a caliper is.

How to Measure My Spring Using a Caliper?

Step 1 - Measure the wire diameter (wire thickness).

Place the lower jaws of the caliper around the spring’s wire, and slowly push them together until both are touching the wire.

caliper measure wire diameter

Step 2 - Measure the outer diameter (OD).

Hold the body of the spring in between the lower jaws of the caliper at an angle. This way, you’re able to measure more than one coil, and also measure the accurate diameter (on the widest edge of the circle).

caliper measure outer diameter

Step 3 - Measure the inner diameter (ID).

Insert the upper jaws of the caliper into the inside of your spring and pull them apart until both are touching the wire. Make sure you pull them at the widest width to get an accurate measurement.

caliper measure inner diameter

Step 4 - Measure the free length.

Hold your spring by the ends using the bottom jaws of your calipers. If your caliper is holding the spring in the air, that means you’re applying some force to it, so slowly start releasing the spring and stop once it drops to get your measurement.

caliper measure free length

Lastly, you will want to count the total coils and determine end type. Click here: to learn how to count your spring’s coils, and here: to be able to distinguish your spring’s end type.

With these measurements, you’ll be able to ensure that your spring fits into your application and also start calculating its force and elasticity. You can get a hold of one of our design engineers at:(951) 276-2777 or simply enter your dimensions into Spring Creator and 90% of the work will be done for you.