spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Length Inside Hook
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Total Coils
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter you Small Outer Diameter, Large Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

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Custom Spring Products


  1. Compression Spring Terms You Should Know
  2. The Spring Store
  3. Coil Springs Made to Order
  4. Compression Springs
  5. Compression Springs Manufacturer
  6. Cone Springs
  7. Custom Helical Springs
  8. Custom Spring Manufacturers
  9. Cylindrical Springs
  10. Helical Springs
  11. Open Wound Springs
  12. Specialty Compression Springs
  13. Specialty Springs Made to Order
  14. Presetting Springs


  1. Close Wound Coil Springs
  2. Coil Tension Springs
  3. Extension Springs
  4. Extension Springs Manufacturer
  5. Helical Extension Springs
  6. High Tension Springs
  7. Tension Spring Suppliers


  1. Custom Torsion Springs
  2. Double Torsion Springs
  3. Helical Torsion Springs Manufacturers
  4. Rotational Springs
  5. Springs for Horse Trailer Ramps
  6. Torque Springs
  7. Torsion Springs
  8. Torsional Springs
  9. Torsional Springs Manufacturer
  10. Torsion Spring Pricing
  11. Torsion Spring Assortment

Other Custom Springs

  1. Barrel Spring
  2. Custom Coil Springs
  3. Custom Springs
  4. Custom Wire Springs
  5. Garter Springs
  6. Large Springs
  7. Mechanical Springs
  8. Metric Springs
  9. Micro Springs
  10. Spring Ring
  11. Wire Forms
  12. Wire Springs
  13. Hourglass Specialty Springs


  1. Clutch Springs
  2. Contact Springs
  3. Gun Springs
  4. Heavy Duty Springs
  5. Magazine Springs
  6. Medical Springs
  7. Small Strong Springs
  8. Springs for Auto-Injector Syringes
  9. Springs for Door Hinges
  10. Springs for Valves
  11. Trigger Springs


  1. Acxess Spring Technology
  2. Metal Springs
  3. Popular Materials Used for Springs
  4. Precision Springs
  5. Production Springs
  6. Round Wire Springs
  7. Spring Design Tools
  8. Spring Fabrication and Engineering
  9. Stainless Steel Springs
  10. Types of Springs
  11. Wire Springs Manufacturers
  12. Wire Straightening and Cutting
  13. Spring Buckling Prevention

Spring Calculator

Spring Calculator Types


  1. Compress Springs
  2. Compression Spring Calculations
  3. Compression Springs Formula
  4. Helical Spring Calculations
  5. Maximum Spring Compression Calculator


  1. Extension Spring Calculations
  2. How to Measure Spring Tension
  3. Maximum Spring Extension Equation
  4. Spring Elongation Calculator
  5. Tension Spring Design PDF


  1. Torsional Spring Design PDF
  2. Torsion Spring Calculations
  3. Torsion Springs Calculator

Spring Rate

  1. Calculating Constant Force on a Coil Compression Spring
  2. Compression Spring Rate
  3. Constant Force Helical Compression Spring Design Calculator
  4. Find Spring Constant K Units Calculator
  5. Spring Constant Calculator
  6. Spring Constant Units Calculator
  7. Spring Force Constant Calculator

Other Design Calculators

  1. Coil Spring Calculations and Definition
  2. Coil Spring Design Basics
  3. Deflection of Springs
  4. Spring Design Help
  5. Spring Pitch Calculator
  6. Spring Potential Energy Equation Calculator
  7. Spring Stiffness Calculator
  8. Spring Travel Calculator

Calculator Instructions

  1. Spring Creator Blueprint Explanation
  2. Instant Spring Quote
  3. Instant Spring Quote Calculator
  4. Instant Quote Help
  5. Compression Spring Instant Quote Issues
  6. Compression Spring Calculator Instructions
  7. Extension Spring Calculator Instructions
  8. Torsion Spring Calculator Instructions
  9. Spring Makers
  10. Decoding Acxess Spring's Part Number System: A User-Friendly Guide

Stock Springs Online

  1. Acxess Spring 2020 Press Release Regarding Stock Spring Pricing
  2. Stock Spring Catalog
  3. Buy Stock and Custom Springs Online
  4. Specialty and Stock Springs
  5. Standard Springs
  6. Stock Compression Spring Catalogue
  7. How To Use Our 3D Cad Compression Spring Drawings
  8. Stock Extension Springs Catalogue
  9. How To Use Our 3D Cad Extension Spring Drawings
  10. Stock Torsion Springs Catalogue
  11. How To Use Our 3D Cad Torsion Spring Drawings
  12. Stock Conical Tapered Springs Catalogue
  13. How To Use Our 3D Cad Conical Spring Drawings

Technical Information

    Hookes Law in Springs

  1. Hookes law in Compression Springs
  2. The Role of Hookes law calculators in Compression Spring Designs
  3. Revolutionizing Torsion Spring Design with Acxess Spring's Hooke’s Law Calculator
  4. Extension Spring Design in Industrial Machinery: The Application of Hooke’s Law
  5. Mastering Extension Spring Design with Acxess Spring's Hooke's Law Calculator
  6. Maximizing Efficiency in Machinery Manufacturing: Precision in Spring Constant and Hooke's Law Applications

    Springs in Technology

  1. Micro Springs in Medical Applications
  2. Spring Creator's Breakthrough: The Transition from Spring Design to Spring Discovery
  3. The Engineering Behind Medical Springs: An In-depth Exploration of Design and Innovation
  4. Torsion Springs: Enhancing Performance in Medical Instruments
  5. Small Components, Big Impact: Micro Springs in Medical Applications
  6. The Role of Compression Springs in Robotic Exoskeletons
  7. The Role of Coil Springs in the Evolution of Consumer Electronics

Spring Design

  • Compression Spring Design
  • Compression Spring Design Guide
  • Compression Spring Design Problems
  • Extension Spring Design
  • Extension Spring Design Guide
  • Garter Spring Design
  • Helical Spring Design Equations
  • Linear Spring Design
  • Torsion Spring Design
  • What Affects the Life Cycle of a Spring?
  • What Makes Springs Fail?
  • Spring Force - Rate & Load

    1. Extension Spring Failure
    2. Initial Tension
    3. Linear Spring Rate
    4. Meaning of Spring Rate
    5. Spring Load and Spring Rate
    6. Spring Pre-Load Calculations
    7. Torsion Spring Rate

    Spring Deflection

    1. Coil Springs Slenderness Ratio
    2. Coil Tension Springs - Extended Length
    3. Compressed Spring
    4. Compression Spring Travel
    5. Identify a Coil Spring’s Direction of Wind
    6. Identify an Extension Spring’s Direction of Wind
    7. Identify a Torsion Spring’s Direction of Wind
    8. Solid Height
    9. Spring Diameter Change

    Spring Dimensions

    1. Calculate Length of Coiled Spring Wire
    2. Coil Spring Dimensions
    3. Coil Springs Mean Diameter
    4. Compression Spring End Types
    5. Counting Active Coils
    6. Extension Spring Hook Types
    7. Free Length of Spring
    8. Free Position of a Torsion Spring Based on Total Coils
    9. How to Calculate Spring Weight
    10. Spring Index
    11. Spring Measurements and Specifications
    12. Wire Springs Inner Diameter

    Spring Material

    1. How to Heat Treat Spring Steel
    2. Music Wire Spring Properties
    3. Properties of Common Spring Materials
    4. Spring Material Selection
    5. 5 Spring Wire Material Terms
    6. Specification Cross‐Reference of Spring Wire Materials

    Specialty/Custom Springs

    1. Coiled Springs
    2. Convert Double Torsion Springs to Single Torsional
    3. Non-Linear Springs
    4. Open Coil Helical Spring Application
    5. Recoil Springs
    6. Small Springs
    7. Specialty Springs
    8. Springs in Parallel and in Series
    9. 5 Things You Didn't Know About Springs

    Spring Applications

    1. Compression Spring Uses
    2. Compression Springs Applications
    3. Extension Spring Applications
    4. Springs for Trailer Ramps, Lids, Hatches & Gates
    5. Torsion Spring Applications
    6. Torsion Spring Uses

    Spring Manufacturing

    1. Acxess TV
    2. Extension Spring Drawings
    3. How to Make a Compression Spring
    4. Industrial Compression Springs
    5. Quality Control and Certifications
    6. Springs Manufacturing
    7. Standard Spring Tolerances
    8. Standard Spring Tolerances - Metric
    9. Where to Buy Springs Online
    10. Custom and Stock Springs Secondary Options

    Industry Terms

    1. Glossary of Spring Terminology
    2. Other Names for Spring Types
    3. Wire Springs Nomenclature
      1. Barrel Springs Nomenclature
      2. Compression Springs Nomenclature
      3. Conical Springs Nomenclature
      4. Extension Springs Nomenclature
      5. Garter Springs Nomenclature
      6. Torsion Springs Nomenclature

    Online Spring Force Tester (OSFT)

    1. Customizable 2D Blueprints and Spec Sheets from Instant Spring Quote
    2. All-In-One Spring Design and Verification with the Online Spring Force Tester
    3. Instant Spring Quote's Game - Changing 3D Model Feature


    1. Thank God for Springs

    2. So What is a Spring?
    3. 5 Common Misconceptions About Springs
    4. What is Spring Rate?
    5. The New Spring Store
    6. 3 Tools Everyone In The Spring Industry Should Be Using
    7. What is Spring Stress?
    8. Max Safe Travel in Metal Springs
    9. A Part of Something Big
    10. Create and Innovate With the Right Spring
    11. September 11: Tragedy and Triumph
    12. History of Springs
    13. Quality Control Process for Custom Springs
    14. Small Custom Spring Applications
    15. Custom Spring Certifications
    16. Coil Springs and Other Spring Types
    17. Spring Into Action the SMART Way and GROW Your Business
    18. Martin Luther King Jr. Day at Acxess Spring
    19. Achieve More With Acxess Spring
    20. Spring Into Spring
    21. The Art of Spring Making
    22. The Importance of Initial Tension in Extension Springs
    23. Just Like Springs, Moms Make a Difference
    24. Memorial Day Commemoration
    25. Thank You Dad!
    26. Spring Into Thanksgiving at Acxess Spring
    27. Coil Spring Websites
    28. Labor Day at Acxess Spring
    29. Design and Buy a Custom Spring in 3 Easy Steps
    30. Top 3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting an Instant Quote
    31. Spring Manufacturing and Spring Design ISO Certified
    32. Spooky Looking Metal Springs
    33. 3 Reasons Why We Love Thanksgiving at Acxess Spring
    34. Goal Setting 2020 at Acxess Spring
    35. How To Respond Positively to Coronavirus: COVID-19
    36. Acxess Springs Into Action In Coronavirus Times
    37. Father's Day 2020 Coil Spring Specials
    38. Interesting Activities With Springs To Do With Your Kids
    39. Stock Spring Division’s 7th Anniversary
    40. Acxess Spring New Year Reflection 2021
    41. Women In The Spring Industry
    42. Compliance


      2. Acxess Spring Resources

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