Stock Springs - Over 31,000 Springs in Stock
Definition of Stock Springs
When a spring company keeps an inventory of ready made springs for sale through a spring catalog; giving the customer the opportunity to buy springs for prototyping, run tests on new inventions, order small spring quantities, or simply replace an old spring.
Acxess Spring has now put it's extensive spring catalog online with more than 31,000 stock springs to choose from through our new online spring store: "". This catalog includes stock compression springs, stock extension springs, stock torsion springs and stock tapered (or conical) springs. You are able to search for your spring with our easy-to-use spring finder. Keep reading to learn more about the features this website can provide you with to make your shopping easier and faster.
Various Stock Spring Sizes
We work with wire diameters as small as 0.005 inches, and as large as 1 inch; offering our customers a wide range of stock spring sizes to search through.
Downloadable Stock Spring Catalogs
We also offer a downloadable stock compression spring catalog, stock extension spring catalog,stock torsion spring catalog, and stock conical (or tapered) spring catalog.
Short Lead Times
Due to the fact that these springs are in stock and off-the-shelf, our lead times are as short as 2 to 5 days. Therefore, you may have your springs at your door within a week or less.
Spring Part Number System
We have a simple part number system which is generated using your spring's dimensions including wire diameter, outer diameter, type of ends, material type, etc. This means that even if you can't find something close to your original design in stock, you may send us a Instant Spring Quote to have it custom-made by using our spring part number system. Take a look at our part number system for the following spring types: compression spring, extension springs,torsion springs, conical (tapered) springs.
Customer Testimonials
Take a look at our customer testimonials page to get to know us a little better. Our customers can't be wrong, allow us to impress you!
Spring Creator Calculator
Another feature we have added is our famous FREE online spring calculator which helps you create your spring design , compare it to others, and generate live spring blueprints along with full spring analyses.