spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Length Inside Hook
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Total Coils
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter you Small Outer Diameter, Large Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

All-In-One Spring Design and Verification with the Online Spring Force Tester

Introducing the incredible Online Spring Force Tester (OSFT) brought to you through Acxess Spring’s Instant Spring Quote (ISQ), and now available for custom springs. It is a revolutionary tool that brings the world of spring design to your fingertips. Imagine having the power to create, verify, and purchase custom springs all within the same platform. Gone are the days of complex calculations and endless iterations. With the OSFT and the rest of the ISQ features, designing and verifying your springs becomes as easy as child's play. In this article, we'll explore this remarkable tool and its amazing features, making spring design and verification accessible to everyone.


Design and Verify Your Custom Springs - Before Spending a Penny!

When it comes to designing and verifying springs, engineers often face challenges in accurately measuring and testing the crucial parameters like spring tension, compression, torsion, and stored energy. The Online Spring Force Tester allows you to witness the principles of Hooke's Law in real-time. By visualizing how springs compress, extend, and twist, you can gain a deeper understanding of their behavior under different loads. OSFT brings the magic of Hooke's Law to life, providing valuable insights into spring mechanics. Engineers can now streamline their design and testing processes while ensuring optimal performance.


spring tension potential energy testing hookes law

 The extension spring OSFT offered by Instant Spring Quote allows engineers to precisely measure and analyze the potential energy characteristics of their custom tension springs. With a user-friendly interface, this online tester provides accurate tension readings as if you had the spring in front of you, thus enabling engineers to fine-tune their designs for optimal performance. By inputting the required parameters, you can quickly obtain working load measurements, ensuring the springs meet the desired load at extended length.

Spring compression potential energy testing hookes law

In addition to tension testing, the Online Spring Force Tester empowers engineers with the ability to perform precise spring compression tests. With a wide range of compatible spring sizes, the tester ensures comprehensive coverage for various applications. Whether your compression spring is a heavy duty or a tiny precision spring, you can be sure you can easily input the desired compression parameters relating to either load or displacement and obtain accurate working load results based on the spring’s constant. This has been crucial in aiding in the optimization of spring designs for many applications.

Spring torque potential energy testing ookes law

The torsion tester module of the Online Spring Force Tester enables engineers to evaluate the torsional characteristics of springs accurately. By subjecting the 3D representation of your torsional spring to a specific amount of torque, you are able to see how the spring’s leg will travel the accurate distance traveled in degrees. Engineers can assess their performance and behavior under different loads. This data is invaluable for optimizing spring designs and ensuring their reliability in real-world applications.

Seamless Integration with Hooke's Law Calculator:


Hooke's Law is integrated into the Online Spring Force Tester at the core of its algorithm. This means that engineers can input the spring's physical parameters and obtain valuable insights into the spring’s behavior, stress distribution, and deformation characteristics, regardless of spring type. This integration facilitates efficient design iterations, saving time and resources while ensuring compliance with the device or application’s requirements.


How to Use and Leverage the Power of the Online Spring Force Tester


Step 1 - Enter your spring dimensions into ISQ


To get started, select your spring type and enter the required spring dimensions. Some parameters of the form will change based on whether you choose a compression, extension, or torsion spring. This is because each spring type has a different type of use, but keeping our users in mind, we’ve included icons and visual aids to assist you in determining dimensions and other configurations.


ISQ compression spring inputs

For compression springs, for example, you must select an end type. Direction of wind is right hand by default, but feel free to change it if you require it to be left-handed. Lastly, select the material type that best suits your application, and click on “Get Quote”. 

ISQ extension spring inputs

For extension springs, for example, you must select an hook type. Make sure to distinguish the difference between machine hooks and cross-over center hooks. Then, select the material type that best suits your mechanism’s purpose, and click on “Get Quote”. 

ISQ extension spring inputs

For torsion springs, rather than selecting an option, you must enter the lengths of the spring’s legs. Direction of wind is particularly important, too. This will determine which of the legs of the spring will deflect upon installation. Therefore, verify the design ASAP by clicking on “Get Quote”. 

Step 2 - Verify that your load is within the Max. Load and Max. Travel


Click over to the “Online Spring Force Tester” tab of the ISQ. Once you are there, the first thing you will see is a live 3D model of your spring in motion of its potential energy according to Hooke’s Law. It will begin at its free, unloaded length/position, and begin gradually deflecting until it reaches the maximum safe deflection and maximum safe load. First and foremost, you want to verify that the load and deflection you are expecting from your spring are below its maximum capacity. Therefore, pay attention to the Max. Safe Load, and Max. Safe Travel (Deflection).

Extension spring maximum load validation

In the case of compression springs, if you are expecting to compress your spring down to its solid height, you need to take the solid height indicator into account and compare it to the loaded height to which your spring is compressing to at Max. Safe Travel. If these values are aligned at the same height, then your spring can safely deflect to solid height. Otherwise, a notice will appear at the bottom of the Online Spring Force Tester warning you that “This Spring Cannot Travel (of Deflect) to Solid Height”.

Compression spring maximum load validation


Step 3 - Verify your spring’s constant with working loads


Your spring’s constant will also be displayed for your reference, but what makes the Online Spring Force Tester so amazing is the fact that you can verify whether or not it will meet your working loads requirements. It is not enough for a spring’s Max. Safe Load and Max. Safe Travel to be sufficient. The load applied will make the spring deflect in proportion to the spring constant. To ensure your spring’s constant is correct and that the spring will indeed deflect the desired distance under the required force, enter either value into the fields provided at the right of the OSFT. By entering one value (load or travel) the other will be calculated automatically and the visual representation of your spring’s deflection will also portray it.


Torsion spring torque and deflection validation


Other tips and tricks:

If you realize your working loads are not working (pun intended), you can scroll back up to edit your spring’s dimensions. If it’s too strong, you might consider increasing the outer diameter, decreasing the wire diameter, or increasing the number of coils. If it is not strong enough, you do the opposite: decrease the outer diameter, increase the wire diameter, or decrease the number of coils. Upon each dimension adjustment, you can click on “Get Quote” and the OSFT will automatically reflect the changes you made. It really doesn’t get any easier than that!



The Online Spring Force Tester provided to you by Acxess Spring’s Instant Spring Quote is a game-changer in the realm of spring design and verification. Its comprehensive functionality, including tension, compression, and torque testing, combined with the seamless integration of Hooke's Law, empowers engineers to optimize their spring designs with utmost precision and efficiency. By leveraging this advanced tool, engineers can accelerate product development cycles, reduce costly iterations, and ultimately deliver superior springs tailored to meet specific application requirements. With Instant Spring Quote’s OSFT feature, spring design and verification have never been more accessible and reliable, marking a significant milestone in the field of mechanical engineering and manufacturing. What are you waiting for to take it for a run? Give it a try now!

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